Kyle's Rainbow of Hope Collection Now Available
"Kyle's Rainbow of Hope" Collection
Photo: Taken on June 26, 2020
"God sent me a rainbow today. He is telling me that I will get better!" -Kyle
I started this collection as a dedication to Kyle's battle. Ever since his diagnosis we have been given many, many rainbows throughout his treatment. It always seemed to appear at the last day of some kind of hardship. The first one appeared after coming home from his first diagnosis & chemotherapy. We were at the hospital for at least a week at the time. We were also given a rainbow after his nephrectomy & 3 small other surgeries, also when he was inpatient for at least 2 days or more. Whenever we see the rainbow, it gave us hope. A hope from God! It felt like God was telling us that everything will be ok and that he is right here beside us. I would love to share with you "Kyle's Rainbow of Hope," no matter what kind of hardship you are going through, I pray that you will find hope like Kyle does!